• Beyond Lies the Wub

Beyond Lies the Wub

by Philip K. Dick

Listen to streaming audio of Beyond Lies the Wub audiobook and download all Philip K. Dick audiobooks in MP3,and M4B formats for free from our library.


Peterson, a crew member of a spaceship loading up with food animals on Mars, buys an enormous pig-like creature known as a "wub" from a native just before departure. Franco, his captain, is worried about the extra weight but seems more concerned about its taste, as his ship is short of food. However, after takeoff, the crew realizes that the wub is a very intelligent creature, capable of telepathy and maybe even mind control. Peterson and the wub spend time discussing mythological figures and the travels of Odysseus. Captain Franco, paranoid after an earlier confrontation with the Wub which left him paralyzed, bursts in and insists on killing and eating the wub. The crew becomes very much opposed to killing the sensitive creature after it makes a plea for understanding, but Franco still makes a meal out of him. At the dinner table, Captain Franco apologizes for the "interruption" and resumes the earlier conversation Peterson had been having with the Wub - which has possessed the Captain's body.

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Listen To Streaming Audio

  • 1 - Beyond Lies the Wub
  • 2 - The Skull part 1
  • 3 - The Skull part 2


Beyond Lies the Wub audiobook is available for free download in MP3, M4Bfile formats and also can be listened as iTunes Podcast.

M4B Part 1