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In the Year 2889

In the Year 2889

by Jules Verne

In the Year 2889 is a short story on science fiction genre written by Jules Verne based on a futuristic nuclear war.  It is hard to believe Jules Verne's imaginations of many technological advances such as video conferencing, flight and missiles are a reality today.  Unlike other science fiction works of Jules Verne, this work is not popular among ..

The Jungle Book

The Jungle Book

by Rudyard Kipling

The Jungle Book is a collection of fables which teach moral lessons narrated through animals, written by Rudyard Kipling.  It is believed that, the stories were written for Kipling's daughter who died at the age of six...

Madame Bovary

Madame Bovary

by Gustave Flaubert

Madame Bovary is a novel written by Gustave Flaubert which focuses on the immoral life of a woman leads to disaster to their family and ends up in their daughter being orphaned and forced to become a labor in spite of being born as a daughter to a doctor...

The Canterville Ghost

The Canterville Ghost

by Oscar Wilde

The Canterville Ghost is a short story written by Oscar Wilde which conveys the message of frightening can not be easy always even for ghosts.  Sir Simon who had been able to create fear to the residents for decades in his haunted house, he could not repeat the same when Mrs.Otis family bought the house in spite of warnings from neighboring residen..

The Art Of War

The Art Of War

by Sun Tzu

The Art Of War is one of the oldest and yet most popular philosophical treatise on military strategy written by Chinese military general Sun Tzu...

Dream Psychology

Dream Psychology

by Sigmund Freud

Dream Psychology is a beginners guide to psychoanalysis for beginners written by Sigmund Freud. One of the key reads to understand Freud's works, this guide let you understand how to interpret dreams, their meanings, how dreams creates fears, anxieties during your sleep, while your subconscious mind is awakened...

The Art of Public Speaking

The Art of Public Speaking

by Dale Breckenridge Carnegie

The Art of Public Speaking is a self help guide written by  Dale Breckenridge Carnegie. This century old guide is still holds relevancy even in the contemporary world...

The Prince

The Prince

by Niccolo Machiavelli

The Prince is a political treatise written by Niccolo Machiavelli which provides guidelines for kingdom and rulers on various aspects of governance pointing out the good and bad. Though this work was manuscript-ed by the author, it was published almost after five years after his death...